„My art is about the process of painting and creating itself“.

“ When I start painting, it is not always clear where it will guide me, the process is more about intuition and feelings and I simply let things slide and take their course. When working and observing how things turn out on their own, the work process is exciting and fulfilling – and oftenly challenging. It is not easy to manage these uncertain moments, but it is part of the process. I found out that the key is not to worry if things start going wrong, things have to evolve gradually.“
Dörte combines several techniques and materials by using acrylics and oil paints, watercolours, pencils collages and prints. Acrylics allow her to apply layer upon layer and to constantly change the paintings. She loves to work with shapes, silhouettes, backlighting and overlapping colors which complement and replace each other again and again. It’s an ongoing interchange between creating new things and reintegrating the first steps.
Dörte is a German artist who pursued her work as a free artist upon graduating in graphic design and working as an art director. In 1999 she opened the joint art studio “Hinter den Deichtorhallen” with other local artists in Hamburg, followed by the studio „Die Malerei“. Besides her artistic work Dörte hosted a variety of art courses and workshops in Hamburg.
She moved to Qatar where she lived and worked for several years. She became a member of the Qatar Fine Arts Society and the IAD, an international group of artists living in Qatar; within the group she was in charge of organizational work for exhibitions and workshops. She worked as an instructor for art at the VCUQ Virginia Commonwealth University Qatar and offered further workshops in a multinational gallery.
Back in Hamburg she opened the gallery KUNSTZIMMER eppendorf and curated numerous single and group exhibitions with other local and international artists. She also held art classes and workshops in her studio.
In 2020 she closed the permanent gallery rooms in Hamburg and opened her new art studio KUNST(Z)IMMER.